

Magnus Frenning
Magnus Frenning. Photo: Emanuel Schütt

Magnus has been playing drums since his teenage years in various rock and blues contexts. Since about 1975 also jazz with emphasis on free form.

He was one of the founders of free-form group Lokomotiv Konkret, along with Dror Feiler, reeds, Leif Ahlberg, reeds flute, Bjorn Wallgren, guitar and Thomas Sjöland, bass.
After a few years with Lokomotiv Konkret Magnus started a period of experimentation with mainly Balkan-inspired jazz in various formations.

Around 1980 he joined the Stockholm based fusion jazz group Lynx with Peter Lundén, synth. flute, Åke Stjernström, guitar and Tryggve Wennström, bass. The group played for several years and was involved eg in Swedish Radio (P2) and Swedish Television besides various music venues around Stockholm.

Since 1997 he is, with his wife Carin Lundhquist, a member of the experimental pop group Grape as drummer and percussionist.

In 2009 Magnus founded the Electro Acoustic Improvisation Group Instant Circuit with Magnus Alexanderson, composer and musician and, shortly after, also Carin Lundhquist. In october 2009 the group made a concert with improvisation and a music/dance Performance in the Contemporary Arts venue Fylkingen in Stockholm together with the eminent reed and flute player Geoff Leigh.

Listen here.


Magnus made his debut as a composer of electro-acoustic music, 1988, after undergoing EMS EAM course, with the piece ‘Grind‘ (‘Gate’) which was premiered at a concert in Fylkingen premises. Magnus has also composed ‘Kopplingen‘ (‘The Connection’). Both these pieces were also presented at a number of festivals for contemporary music in the years 1988-90 and SR P2.

Registered and archived at Swedish Music – The new sounds of Sweden

During the late 1980:s, Magnus became increasingly interested in computer programming, and in 1995 was fully trained systems analyst and has since worked mainly in the IT sector.

Serialbeater is an alias for Magnus as solo improvisor (improvisation≈instant composing) and composer of algorithmic music.

Merits, see here.

Listen here.